• Oct 2,2017 By:ratokalam

    Nepal is wonderful country in a corner of this world. This country posses heavenly beauty and its comfortable weather that is an attraction to everyone around the world .The light of Asia shines from Nepal. Mt Everest is off in the highest level and the deepest level we have Deep Gorge Bhurung. Beautiful rivers flow through the country ,additional gardens by nature. Holy Heritages, lakes,caves many possibilities exist in this gorgeous land. Even though, every young Nepalese Manpower has to go away from this country we call home. There is no work here and litle money. It's a terrible problem in Nepal. But politics never address it as major issue....!!! Until we assure the basic need and rights of people as a human being ,political changes have no positive impact on life of ordinary citizens.Economic and social rights are very basic rights.All youths who are forced to leave the country in search of employment will be back if we develop the tourism infrastructure and engage them.I am also one of them.I always wanted to be in my native place sindhupalchok to use my skill and knowledge rather than using it for the elites of foreign Land. I also believe each and every disrrict of Nepal can be tourist spot if we analyse in depth!"Nepal Aama ki Jaya".

    Melamchi Municipality-1,Bhotechaur(Sindhupalchok

    recently: jorpati ,ktm

सम्वन्धित समाचार

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